115 – I Like Holding Things
In this episode we return from a week off with Daniel correcting Adam’s use of the one-shot in our video. Apparently Daniel is too self conscious to be on camera by himself. We also get a running update. It’s easier to run on a tread mill.
While we were on break Adam had small intruders in his house that cost a ton of money to remove. He also had a run in with the law, but swears he wasn’t speeding. Daniel summarized his birthday trip to California and gave glowing reviews for Auntie Scott’s beef stroganoff.
We also played a hilarious clip from the new podcast Daniel has been listening to recently. You can find them at @toptobottompod on Tiktok.
Finally we did the normal segments of Contact, News Gate, and Test Kitchen, where we talk about things that happened on the same day of the month as this year. Notable items are the discussion of Native American names during Kathy Bacons call and National Crayon Day.
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Email: contact@MixMinusPodcast.com
Voice: 707-61-DEATH / http://VoiceMail.MixMinusPodcast.com